Japanese Master

Nerikawa-kuro-honkozane Konito-odoshi Ryo-hikiawase-dou Gusoku


This Yoroi has a Juyo Bunka Shiryo Paper, the highest certificate issued by The Association for the Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets and Armor. According to the certificate, the period is considered to be the mid-Edo period. The Kabuto is made of 17 pieces of boards pasted together, with Shinodare in four directions, indicating that this Kabuto is a very prestigious one. It is made in the most labor-intensive and exclusive form called Honkozane, where each Kozane is individually woven. The edges of each piece are covered with Fukurin and have excellent metal parts. The cloth of each part remains the same as the original. It is said to have been handed down from the Kitsuki Matsudaira family, lords of Kitsuki Castle. It is a wonderful piece of armor that is rarely available in recent years.

Important art collection, Zurich

Jyuyo Bunka Shiryo

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Japanese Master
Nerikawa-kuro-honkozane Konito-odoshi Ryo-hikiawase-dou Gusoku