The tanto crafted by Munetsugu Kozan during the early Meiji era in Edo (present-day Tokyo) features a blade length of 179mm, shaped in hira-tsukuri style with a gyo-no-mune (fish spine) back. Its boshi terminates in an omaru pattern. The temper pattern (hamon) is not specified, but the blade showcases very clear, irregular, pointed waves (hi & horimono) depicting the “Rokkasen,” six famous poets from Japan’s Heian period, each accompanied by a poem. The hada pattern (jihada) displays masame, indicating straight grain.
Dating to the Shin-Shinto period around 1870, the blade remains in excellent condition. The nakago, or sword tang, has a shiri bari gata nakago-jiri, kesho yasuri file marks, and a single mekugi-ana (peg hole). The blade lacks a signature (mei).
The tanto comes in a shirasaya and storage box.
This tanto originates from the Albert Polster collection and reportedly was presented to an engineer of the Meriau family by the last Meiji Emperor or possibly an uncle of Hirohito.
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